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Wednesday, November 28, 2018



PGDCA 1st Semester effective from 2007-08 Academic Sesion

  1. Programming and problem solving
  2. Data structure
  3. Computer organization
  4. operating system
  5. Accounting and financial management



Introduction, Importance of C, Sample C Programs. Basic Structure of C Programs. Programming Style. Executing a C Program, Unix System, M.S. DOS System, Constants. Variables. Data Types, Character set, C tokens, Keywords and Identifier. Constants. Variables. Data types. Declaration of Variables. Assigning Values to a Variables. Defining Symbolic Constants. Declaring a Variable as Constant, Declaring a Variable as Volatile, Overflow and Underflow of Data, Case Studies. Operators and Expression: Arithmetic of Operators, Relational Operator. Logical Operator. Assignment Operators, Increment and Decrement Operators, Conditional Operators. Bitwise Operators. Special Operators, Arithmetic Expressions, Evaluation of Expressions. Precedence 01 Arithmetic Operators. Some Computational Problems. Type Conversions in Expressions. Operator Precedence and Associativity, Mathematical Functions, Managing Input and Output Operators: Reading a Character, Writing a Character, Formatted Input, Formatted Output.


Decision Making and Branching: Introduction. Decision making with IF statement. Simple 11 statement, The IF.....ELSE statement, Nesting of IF......ELSE statement,. The else if ladder, The switch statement, The? Operator. The GOTO statement. Decision Making and Looping: The While statement, The DO statement, The For statement, Jumps in loops, Case studies. Arrays: Introduction, One-dimensional arrays, Declaration of One-Dimensional Arrays, Initialization Of One-Dimensional Arrays. Two-Dimensional Arrays, Initializing Two Dimensional Arrays. Multi Dimensional Arrays. Dynamic Arrays.


Character Arrays And Strings : Introduction, Declaring And Initiating String Variables. Reading Strings From Terminal, Writing String To Screen, Arithmetic Operations on Characters. Putting Strings Together, Comparison of Two Strings, String-Handling Functions. Table of Siangs. Features of Strings. User-Defined Functions: Need For User-Defined Function, A Multi-Function Program, Elements of User-Defined Function, Definition of Functions. Return values and Their Types. Function Calls, Category of Functions, No Arguments and No Return values. Arguments But No Return Values. Arguments With Return values, No Arguments But Enums talue. Function That Return Multiple Values. Nesting of Functions, Recursion. Passing Arra!'s Functions. Passing Strings To Functions. The Scope. Visibility and Lifetime of Variables. Multiple Programs


Structures And Unions : Introduction. Defining A Structure. Declaring Structure variables accessing Structure Members. Structure Initialization, Copying and comparing Structure Variables. Operations on Individual Members, Árrars of Structure, Arrays Within Structures. Structures within Structures. Structures and Functions. Unions, Size of Structures. Bii Fields. Pointers : Introduction, Understanding Pointers. Accessing The Address of A Variable. Declaring Pointer Variables, Initialization of Pointer Variables. Accessing A Variable Through Its Pointer, Chain of Pointers. Pointer Expressions, Pointer Increment and Scale Factor. Pointers and Arrays. Pointers and Character Strings, Array of Pointers. Pointer as Function Arguments. Functions Returning Pointers. Pointers to Functions, Pointers and Structures, Case Studies.


File Management in C: Defining and Opening a File. Closing a File. Input Output Operations on Files Error Handling During 1/0 Operations. Random Access To Files. Command Line Arguments, Dynamic Memory Allocation and Linked Lists: Dynamic Memory Allocation. Allocating a Block of Memory: Malloc, Allocating Multiple Blocks of Memory: Calloc. Releasing the Used Space: Free. Altering the Size of a Block: Realloc, Concepts of Linked Lists, Advantages of Linked Lists. Types of Linked Lists, Pointers Revisited. Creating a Linked List. Inserting an liem. Deleiny ? Application of Linked Lists. The Preprocessor: Macro Substitutions, File Inclusion. Compiler Control Directives. Developing A C Program: Some Guidelines: Program Design, Program Coding. Common Programming Errors. Program Testing and Debugging. Program Efficiency.

Recommended Books:

Books: 1. Programming in ANSI C by Balagurusamy E.. Third edition. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited

                                                      DATA STRUCTURE


Review of Algorithm Notations, Linear Data Structures and their Sequential Storage Representation, Representation of stack, Queue, Circular Queue, Dequeue, Operation on these Data Structures. application of Stack and Queue: recursion, Infix, Postfix. Prefix. Notations and their Conversions. Priority Queue.


Linear Data Structure and their Linked Representation: Singly Linked List. Circularly Linked List, and Doubly Linked Lists, insertion and Deletion Operation on these Dat Linked List: Representation of polynomials, Addition of Polynomials, Dynamic Storage Management. First Fit and Best Fit Algorithms. Garbage Collection and Storage Compaction, representation of Sparse Matrices.


Non-Linear Data Structures: Representation of Binary Tree. Tree Traversal Algorithms: hoarder. Preordier, Posiorder (Recursive and Non-Recursive Algorithms), Binary Search Tree. Per Applications of Binary Tree.


AVL-Tree: Creation. Insertion. Deletion operations. B-Tree: Creation. Insertion and Deletion Operations. Graph: Representation of Graplı. Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency List Graph Traversal Algorithms, Single Source Shortest Path Problem. Minimal Spanning Tree.


Sorting: Selection, Bubble, and Quick. 2-Way Merge, Radix and Heap Sorts. Searching Linear Binary and Fibonacci Search. Complexity of these Algorithms. Text books

Recommended Books:

1. Tremblay, J.P. & Sorenson,P.G. : An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, (TMH) 2. Samanta. D.: Classic Data Structure. PHI. Reference Books: Lipschutz : Data Structures (McGraw-Hili Int.)

                            COMPUTER ORGANIZATION

Basic Structure of Computers: Types of Computers, Basic Functional Units and their Operational Concepts, Bus Structure, Performance of Computers. Character Codes and Number Conversion: ASCII, EBCDIC, Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal numbers and conversion from one form to another, Fractional numbers, l's compliment, and 2's complement representation, Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers, Overflow of Integer Arithmetic.


Logic Circuits : Basic Logic Functions. Electronic Logic Gates, Synthesis of Logic functions using AND, OR, and NOT Gates, Minimization of Logic Expressions, Minimization using Karnaugh Maps. Don't Care conditions, Synthesis using NAND and NOR Gates. Practical Implementation of Logic Gates: CMOS circuits. Propagation Delay, Fan-in and Fan-out constraints, Tri-State Bullers, Integrated Circuit Packages. Flip-Flops: Gated Latches, Master-Slave Flip-Flops, Edge-Triggering, In Flip-Flop, JK Flip-Flop, Registers and Shift Registers, Counters, Decoders, Multiplexers. Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs): Progranımable Logic Array (PLA), Programmable Array Logic (PAL), Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs), Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA),


Memory Locations and Address: Byte Addressability, Big-Endian and Little-Endian assignments, Memory Operation: Instruction and Instruction Sequencing, Addressing Modes. Assembly Language, Basic Input-Output Operations, Stack and Queues, Subroutines, Logic, Shift and Rotate Instructions, Basic Processing Unit: Single-bus Organization, Register Transfers, Performing Arithmetic or Logic Operations, Read and Write Operations, Execution of a Complete Instruction, Multiple-bus Organization.


Memory System: Semiconductor RAM Memories, Internal Organizational of Memory Chips, Static Memories, Asynchronous DRAMS, Synchronous DRAMS, Structure of Large Memories, Memory System Considerations, Rambus Memory. Read Only Memories: ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash Memory, Speed, Size and Cost of Memory System, Cache Memory. Performance Considerations: Interleaving, Hit-Rate and Miss Penalty. Virtual Memory, Memory Management Requirements, Secondary Storage. Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Trackball, Joystick and Touchpad, Scanners. Output Devices: Video Display, Flat-Panel Display, Printers, Graphical Accelerators.


Intel Pentium Processor: Register Structure, Addressing Modes, Intel-3? Instructions, Machine Instruction Format, IA-32 Assembly Language, Conditional Jumps and Condition Code Flags, Logic and Shift/Rotate Instructions, 1/0 Operations. Subroutines, Multiply and Divide Instructions, Multimedia Extension (MMX) Instructions, SIMD Instructions. Embedded Systems: Embedded Example in Microwave Oven, Digital Camera, Home Telemetry, and Processor Chips For Embedded Applications, Microcontroller.

                                                                     OPERATING SYSTEM

Operating System, Batch System, Multiprogrammed Batched System, Time Sharing System, Personal Computer System, Parallel System, Distributed Systems, Real-Time Systems, Computer System Operation, I/O Structure, Storage Structure, Storage Hierarchy, Hardware Protection, General System Architecture, System Components. Operating System Services, System Calls, System Programs, System Structure, Virtual Machines, System Design And Implementation, System Generations.


CProcesses: Process, Process Scheduling, Operation On Processes, Cooperating Processes, Threads, Interprocess Communication. CPU Scheduling: Scheduling, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple-Processor Scheduling, Real Time Scheduling, Algorithm Evaluation.


Memory Management: Logical Versus Physical Address Space, Swapping, Contiguous Allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with Paging. Virtual Memory: Demand Paging and Its Performance Page Replacement Algorithms Allocation of Frames, Thrashing, Demand Segmentation.


File-System Interface: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory Structure, Protection, and Consistency Semantics. File-System Implementation: File System Structure, Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management, Directory Implementation, Efficient and Performance.

I/O Systems: 1/0 Hardware, Application 1/0 Interface, Kernel 1/0 Subsystem, Transforming 1/0 Requests to Hardware Operations.

Secondary-Storage Structure: 

Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling, Disk Management, Swap-Space Management, Disk Reliability, Stable Storage Implementation. Tertiary-Storage Structure: Tertiary-Storage Devices, Operating System Jobs. Textbook Silberschatz, A, & Galvin, P.B: Operating System Concepts, 5/E (Addison-Wesley)

                                                                      ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 

Accounting: The Language of Business, Accounting an Information System, Users of Accounting Information: Branches of Accounting. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Accounting Standards, The Accounting Equation, Classification of Accounts: The Double Entry System, Journal & Ledger, Process of Recording, Trial Balance & Errors.


UNIT-II Casa & Bank: Bank Reconciliation Inventory Valuation. Fixed Assets, Liabilities & Shareholders Equity, Expenses & Revenues, Depreciation. Preparation of Final Accounts of a company, Profit Loss Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement.


Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements: Ratio Analysis and Trend Analysis. Cost and Cost Terminology, Classification of Costs, Statement of Costs.


Marginal Costing & Absorption Costing: Break-Even Analysis. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis, Job Costing and Process Costing,

Budgetary Control System: Flexible Budgets, Master Budgets. Zero-base Budgeting Responsibility Accounting, Responsibility Centers, Management Control Systems.

Reference Books: 

1. R. Narayanaswamy: Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective 2. T. S. Grewal: Introduction To Accounting (S. Chand) 3. Jain & Narang: Introduction To Cost Accounting (Kalyani's 4. Jawaharlal: Cost Accounting (Tata Mcgraw Hill) 5. Nigam & Jain: Cost Accounting (Phi) 6. P. C. Tulsian: Financial Accounting (Pearson)

Pointers to objects, this pointer, pointers to Derived Classes. Virtual Functions, C ++ Streamls. Stream Classes, Unformatted 10 Omar with Manipulators, Classes for File Stream Operations Opening and formatted I/O Operations, Formatted Console 1/0 Operations. Managing Output Of File, File Modes, File Pointers asses for File Stream Operations, Opening and Closing of Filc, Detecting End Random Access, Error Handling, Command-Line Arguments. S. File Pointers and their Manipulations, Sequential Input and up


Pointers to objects, this pointer, pointers to Derived Classes. Virtual Functions, C ++ Streamls. Stream Classes, Unformatted 10 Omar with Manipulators, Classes for File Stream Operations Opening and formatted I/O Operations, Formatted Console 1/0 Operations. Managing Output Of File, File Modes, File Pointers asses for File Stream Operations, Opening and Closing of Filc, Detecting End Random Access, Error Handling, Command-Line Arguments. S. File Pointers and their Manipulations, Sequential Input and up

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